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Sometimes, amidst the ups and downs of life, there are moments  that serve as gentle reminders that “everything is ok.” Like a peaceful sunrise after a stormy night, or a heartfelt conversation with a loved one, or even a quiet moment of reflection that brings clarity and calmness. These moments reassure us that despite challenges and uncertainties, there is still beauty and resilience in the world and can be profoundly comforting, grounding us in the present moment. These are those moments that create a gentle reminder to trust in the journey, knowing that everything will eventually fall into place. The unique part is that they come in various forms and when we don’t expect them. It is truly amazing!

Why am I writing this?

Because I need to tell you a story…

Picture before you a scene of a person who has been working too hard, who has been stressing about things that were out of her control, who was sleep deprived but still able to smile. She was away for the Easter break with her husband to attend a work conference, seated on a small international flight, with the aim of listening to music on her iPhone to relax and unwind a little. However, this ‘prime’ position resulted being jostled about by other passengers. Why? Because she had booked the seats close to the toilets for her own convenience, quite forgetting that on an international flight, numerous passengers would be queuing up beside her heading to and away from the amenities to attend to their own business! Many!

As an aside here, do you know that queuing up for a toilet visit can feel like participating in a quirky social ritual where everyone’s urgency suddenly becomes the elephant in the room. You find yourself exchanging knowing glances with fellow queue members, silently commiserating over the shared struggle of ‘holding it in’. The queue becomes a small-scale version of human patience and desperation, with each person trying their best not to break the unspoken code of bathroom etiquette. And just when you think you can’t hold it any longer, someone ahead finally emerges from that small sacred chamber, and there’s a collective sigh of relief mixed with a dash of triumph, as if winning a mini battle in the war of bodily functions. Oh yes, we have all been there! Well, imagine this within the confines of one aeroplane aisle. Passengers sitting there ready to jump up at a gap in the queue. Passengers standing waiting trying not to express their urgency when someone takes too long. Passengers happily leaving their small cubicle relieved!  Sound ok? Tell me, what happens physically to the passenger in that aisle seat adjacent to these conveniences. Not much relaxing completed on that journey!

The destination arrives. Happily, doors open. Passengers all disembark!

Coming from a subtropical environment of 25+ degrees both day and night, the cold wind of this southern island’s climate greeted her viciously as she stepped onto the platform.

Did you know that being greeted by cold winds is like Mother Nature’s way of saying, “Hey there, did you bring your winter coat or were you planning on turning into an icicle today?” It is that instant wake-up call where your cozy daydreams of warmth and sunshine are blown away faster than a paper napkin in a hurricane. Your hair becomes a wild masterpiece of wind-sculpted chaos, and you start doing a spontaneous dance to keep warm, hoping no one mistakes your shivering for a new TikTok trend!

Transport sorted to the hotel!

Two tired people entered the foyer to be greeted by a lovely smile.

Do you know that being greeted by a warm receptionist is like stepping into a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Their welcoming smile and friendly demeanour instantly melt away any stress or worries you may have carried in. It is not just their words but also the genuine warmth in their eyes that makes you feel valued and appreciated. Even just booking into your hotel room, you find yourself relaxing into the conversation, knowing that you are in good hands and that your needs will be taken care of, with attention and efficiency. The room card given, and they both looked forward with delight and anticipation of stopping and enjoying their room, knowing that this travel section was almost at the end.

But it didn’t happen that way.

The expected room, the one she had stayed in before, the room that was in her head with its separate bedroom, a large verandah, fireplace, and lakeside views was not there. Instead, she was standing in the middle of a small box like bedsitter hotel room. No views, no verandah and certainly no fireside! Yes, she was disappointed! A sudden deflation of her expectations and hopes, leaving a hollow feeling in its wake. It was a mixture of frustration, sadness, and perhaps a tinge of disbelief, especially when it was something she was truly looking forward to and it fell so short of her desires.

A rerun interchange occurred with that same lovely receptionist with a dialogue of possibly changing rooms and “this was not what we had booked”. To discover that the room was one that had indeed been booked – the ‘wrong room’. The wrong ‘click’ on the computer had been pressed. This was no one’s fault – just a mistake, an oversight and sadly could not be rectified because being Easter, the whole hotel with its rooms and lovely apartments were fully booked. That lovely receptionist still expressed her same warmth and concern knowing that this was clearly upsetting but there was nothing that could be done about it. The receptionist smiled sadly as the woman’s tears began to flow.

The couple re-entered the ‘wrong room’. Why was she so upset?  She was caught in a storm of emotions, where turbulent feelings swirled and crashed against the shores of her mind and heart. She was in an inner state of intense distress and turmoil, that simply overwhelmed her already stretched coping mechanisms. She felt this ‘wrong room’ mistake was basically the last straw to ‘strip the icing from the cake’ of the past intense few months. Her excited anticipation of escapism from the stress and pressures had turned to a dull reality. Her tears turned to sobs.

Grieving the situation, they both made their way outside the hotel, it was no one’s fault. It had happened. Even though the tears were falling freely, it was no use jumping up and down about it, and they walked past the warm kind-hearted receptionist who smiled sympathetically, into the whirling night winds of cold and despair.

A dinner quietly shared…. a solemn conversation discussed about the next few days, a wine or two ….and a genuine resolution made that “it was just a room” and she could work on her papers in that small room just the same as any other room. No, it was not what she had planned, what was supposed to be the highlight of the medical conference, what they both had imagined, but the original despair and grief turned to one of acceptance – even though still a little sad…it was deemed ‘ok’! Approval, relaxation, stomach knots unwinding, and genuine laughter once again returned, as they meandered along the beautifully lit path back to the hotel holding her husband’s hand.

Stepping out of the cold icy winds into the foyer, this same receptionist held up her hand to stop the couple entering the hotel any further. Puzzlement on the woman’s face as this lovely lady completed her business phone call and then simply asked her, “Had they unpacked their bags yet?” A negative answer (she had been too busy grieving and walking away from the room to even think about unpacking) and the receptionist (named Lena) informed them that she had found another room. In fact, she had called her own manager and explained the situation and the woman’s apparent distress and wanted to do something. The manager then informed Lena that there was an apartment available. It was missing a few things but could be used if she wished to do so. Lena asked the couple whether they wanted to accept this offer of this apartment albeit  a few things missing, in place of their shoebox hotel room? Of course they said, “Yes”. Lena then accompanied the couple to their current bedsitter room, took the bags and keys and then personally escorted them to the 10th floor (the highest one) of the hotel opening the door to a different world from where they had previously come.

What met her eyes was the apartment that she had envisioned. The separate bedroom, the huge verandah, the fireplace, and the amazing wide lakeside vista! It was not just a one-bedroom room, it was a two-bedroom apartment. She was gobsmacked. She was truly speechless as Lena went through the apartment and showed what was missing and enquired, “Was it okay?” Her answer to Lena was a body hug thanking her profusely and more tears. This time not from unhappiness but from acute astonishment and disbelief. I am sure that Lena herself had tears in her eyes too as she handed the new key cards over and left!  This was truly a reminder to this couple, that in a world of commercialism that human kindness still does prevail and can happen in the most unexpected ways and situations!

Unexpected human kindness has a way of restoring faith in the goodness of people and the world. It is like stumbling upon a hidden treasure, a moment where hearts connect and barriers dissolve. Whether it’s a stranger offering a helping hand in a moment of need, a friend going out of their way to show support, or a small act of kindness from someone unexpected, these gestures do leave a lasting impact. They remind us that amidst the chaos, uncaring world and challenges of life, there are still pockets of compassion and that small simple actions have the power to uplift our spirits and fill our hearts with joy. It is a beautiful reminder of the interconnectedness of humanity and the simple yet profound ways in which we can brighten each other’s lives.

Of course, as you have probably guessed, the person in the story is me.

For me, this Easter, I truly have had my faith in human kindness restored in the most unexpected ways. It was really not just about changing a room. I had already accepted my disappointment and was willing to work within its confines. This was about restoring my faith in something bigger than my own world. It was about knowing that someone else took the time and effort to make us both happy with this small gesture of finding another room available in this busy tourist season. It was not for any financial gain, or personal agenda, but just because she could! It certainly created a huge sense of warmth and appreciation and disbelief that resonated deeply within me. It took away the betrayal, the hurt, the stress, the tension of the past few months with this one random stranger’s act of kindness, a gift from someone whom I did not know. That simple gesture reminded me of the inherent goodness in people. It helped me to believe again that amidst the chaos and negativity, there are still individuals willing to extend a helping hand and share in the human experience with empathy and sincerity.

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday.  Easter is a time of profound blessings, symbolizing renewal, hope, and faith.

I truly have been blessed this Easter with something astonishing and beautiful!

I have had my own faith in people restored again.

Happy Easter!