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“The best thOIPings in life are free” is an ancient proverb that talks about how money cannot buy happiness, but it is what you do that does. As time goes on, we slowly begin to realise that it is the trivial things that give us the most joy! It is those simple pleasures we find in life that come in all different shapes and sizes, from getting a good night’s rest to laughing with your best friend but by embracing those simple pleasures, when they occur, we can enjoy more of life. Simple pleasures come in all diverse ways, from eating fluffy pancakes to just making someone smile. It can be a tiny moment, so when it happens, we need to be present, breathe it in and smile!

This weekend was Easter.

It was a Christian significant remembrance time that was tremendously important for me and remembered and celebrated accordingly. But in addition to the reason for the break was four days of no fixed commitments, delight, gratification, and fun! This Easter meant I had four consecutive days with my husband with no hospital call, no obstetrics call, no demands from the medical practice which he owns. Neither did I have any commitments. It was four days of simply enjoying each other, of sharing uncomplicated pleasures together, of flourishing in our own company, both busy and silent.

Simple things like sleeping in and not having to wake up early. Work can be extremely exhausting for both of us and spending pillow time, without the shrill beep of the alarm clock was a pleasure. And such a huge simple one. Beginning Good Friday with the sun streaming through the window was another. After weeks of rain, floods, dark skies, and showers, to wake up beside each other as the sun hit our pillows was exhilarating. Sharing that warm first sip of coffee in our bed to start our long weekend, complete with the eating of traditional Hot Cross Buns- (not only on Good Friday but all the weekend through) was such a simple indulgence! An incredibly simple pleasure.

Like the immense pleasure of Singing Solo at the Good Friday Church Service where we attend locally. Of choosing and conveying the words of this song. Of sharing my vocal and piano talent to honour this important day in the Christian Calendar meant a lot to both me and I believe the congregation. It was a simple individual pleasure to share my voice with others and I felt blessed.

Of arriving home afterwards with another coffee in hand, with the ability to indulge and sit in our outdoor area to share and converse of the morning. Of playing and communicating with our two golden retrievers, instead of only short walks before and after work, importantly allowing them greater time in our company. Like playing card and board games for a few hours with my female best friend, sharing laughter, food, conversation as the three of us intermingled together on Good Friday afternoon, simply enjoying each other and what we were doing without the race against schedules and demands.

Like waking up Saturday morning, after relaxing on newly changed bed pillow and sheets. Admittedly I have a frozen shoulder and pain has prevented me frequently these past few weeks from sleeping very well, but it was the simple pleasure and concept that I ‘had actually slept’. I had relaxed as I sank my body into those clean fresh smelling linen to support my non typical medically drugged slumber, and both gave such a simple pleasure of waking up. And of waking up when I wanted to do so! One good night’s restful sleep in non-restful mammoth of others was such a simple satisfying pleasure!

The simple joy of catching up briefly with family members who are here only for a week before heading back to the USA. Of sharing several hours with my aging mother. Of talking with my daughter through video. Of viewing photographs sent to me of my son and his young family camping away this weekend. Of sharing an afternoon with my husband in our used candles recycling and creating, something never attempted before by either of us, even with my bung shoulder- what fun! What immense pleasure it gave both of us, as we melted and refilled glass jars of varying depths of wax and wicks! Then the simple delight of lighting those ‘new’ candles to survey our creations completed! Of preparing and cooking together future crockpot meals; like finishing a jigsaw puzzle; of the satisfaction of getting lost in a delightful book. Of enjoying television drama series, where, without the restrictions of time, we stayed up into the early hours of the morning to watch them all. Of early dinners and then winding down with a red wine or two, or at times three!

In truth, our long weekend may not appear to be very descriptive or inspiring to you my reader, but for us it was so much more about the enjoyment of uninterrupted time together. It was appreciating those small, daily simple pleasures that each moment bought us!

Everyone has a slightly unique way of looking at ‘simple pleasures.’ Those two words ‘Simple pleasures’ can be defined as incredibly personal, positive, brief experiences that usually emerge in everyday settings, usually accessible at little to no cost.  And those simple pleasures for one person may not be the same as simple pleasures for someone else.

So, can simple pleasures make us happier? Indeed, they can. Because in the stress of life, we frequently focus on what we lack and can end up feeling discontent and disappointed. Sometimes, in our business of life, we forget to appreciate and be grateful for those insignificant things and those simple delights in life that present themselves to us every day. It is not changes like a new house or a fancy car that can make the most impact. Instead, it can just be that smell of freshly brewed coffee, or that blazing blue sky and warm sunshine on your shoulders, or that much needed sleep that can give the biggest happiness boost. This was my Easter weekend.

Everyone has their own ways of defining simple pleasures.

So, what are yours?

Happy Easter!