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I love to write.

Well, you read my blogs, so you know that. But I really love to write!

There is nothing more rewarding, (well I guess apart from seeing my kids and grandkids and playing my piano), but to write! There are so many topics that infiltrate my heart to make me want to share my thoughts on paper, or electronically with you. To simply share my point of view, my emotions, my heart. So, what am I writing about today?

Shall I tell you about my week? Shall I write about how apart from the electronic technical mishaps, it was so much better than the two previous ones. Shall I write about how there were no rude aggressive clients to deal with, no ongoing hassles from staff about these clients, and most importantly no full moon! A strange comment I know but you need to work in a clinic and see what changes occur when there is a full moon. Believe me, I was previously sceptical when this was said to me in a former life, but oh how true it is! The full moon profoundly affects people’s personality and disposition greatly! So, shall I write about how proud I was of my staff who diligently worked their shifts and problem solved issues when needed, when dealing face to face with our clients. Shall I write about how it was a wonderful busy but much more satisfying week!

Shall I write about how it is almost seventeen years since my first husband passed away from cancer. Shall I tell you how his two children who were so young when he died are now wonderful loving adults of whom I am enormously proud of, and I know he would be too! Shall I tell you of my seventeen-year-old cat who is snuggled up on this wet inclement day, on the lounge beside me, who was trying to worm her way onto my lap but losing the battle because the computer is there.  Choosing instead to cuddle next to the mouse beside her!

Shall I write about the weather? Shall I tell you of the view that I see as I sit here with the laptop in front of me from my large back cafe doors. Shall I tell you of the rain pouring down relentlessly that has not stopped for a few days? Shall I tell you of the green grass being soaked by this rain pouring down and the trees reaching high to grab some of that life giving moisture from the heavens.  Or shall I tell you of my two usually golden retriever wet dogs who are rolling in delight, now all brown and muddy because of this drenching rain?

Shall I write of how this deluge rain has impacted getting together with my best friend after her time away with family these past few weeks? Shall I tell you of my current sad and empty feeling of not connecting on our usual Friday -weekend night retreat but relieved because she is now safe in her own home. Shall I tell you of feeling a bit lost but relieved too as our dinner and board game plans tonight with my sister and husband were cancelled because of the torrential rain? Lost because I was looking forward to having them here and catching up but thankful when I gave her the option of withdrawing because it is so wet, and I would truly worry about them on the road driving here and home? Comforted too as there is nothing like the feeling of being already showered and in my dressing, gown snuggled in front of the television watching a mini-series as you see and hear the rain falling outside. Feeling lost though because it is slightly lonely!


Shall I tell you of my day? Shall I tell you of the many hours I waited for my GP husband to come back from the hospital (on a Saturday) where he was the Visiting Medical Officer to look after those orphan patients who don’t have their own local doctor attending at this hospital? Shall I tell you of the many hours he put in, after his normal GP hours spent in his own practice this week, for those patients and their family waiting for him on this wet rainy day? Shall I tell you that sometimes it is extremely hard being a GP’s wife, even though I work within the same practice?  To not be able to huddle up on a Saturday morning together or to lie in our bed and luxuriate in that bountiful feeling of no commitments, of no work, of not rushing out the door to be at work at 7:30am. Shall I tell you that sometimes it is extremely difficult to know that as his wife, you must be put last on a weekend……on many weekends. To compete daily with numerous phone calls, SMS messages and in hospital visitations as he chats with the families of those patients who visit their sick loved ones particularly on a Saturday and Sunday. Shall I write about that I know whom I married and accept and understand that is part of who he is and what he does. Or shall I tell you that at times, I don’t always like feeling like I am, at times, the bottom of the barrel?

Shall I write about the video link with my daughter this morning as she photographed her daughter in numerous dance costumes today, taking the opportunity to take and reflect on her creative skills to produce some amazing work! Shall I tell you how excellent it was, that even though I was not there in person, to connect via this electronic link and chat real-time with my granddaughter and daughter as those pictures and significant memories occurred!  Shall I write about the conversation with my daughter-in-law about my other family’s damp situation being within the Brisbane area of flooding areas around. Or shall I write of my genuine smile placed on my face on my husband’s afternoon return home from his many hours spent at the hospital on our weekend!

Shall I write of how we are planning our next overseas holiday at the end of the year to continue our adventures we love?  Shall I write about how I am almost finished my second book of humorous times a experienced (which is so different from my first one believe me!)  Shall I tell you that my editor Helen in Sydney has approved the final two chapters I have added and loves the Book Title chosen? Shall I write of how the cover arrived today from my artistic niece who produced an amazing caricature for the front jacket! Shall I write about that even though a blog like this is extremely easy, the next part of authoring a book is hard in getting it to the published state and then the ultimate distribution of my new book! Shall I tell you what it is about? …. Erm…No. I told you I love to write…you’ll have to find that one out for yourself!

As the sun is setting on this wet soggy Saturday evening day there are so many things that I could write about to share with you. But I really don’t know where to start!

Hmmm, maybe if I just begin????