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It is Monday. It is the public holiday. It is the long weekend.

A day that we have off from work. Marc is not on call at the hospital as he has been the last two weeks. So, we are free to go wherever we want to go, not bound by distance to the hospital or by being time or by being close to the phone (although we take that with us) but a chance to go away fly free, from home.

Beautiful sunny day. Hospital round completed, bikes on the car and off we go!

 Sky of blue clouds of white as the song goes and the day ahead is exciting. Our destination reached, bikes off car, helmets on, water bottles ready and we pedal away. So, what do I do? Not even 5 minutes into our pushbike trip and down I go. How? The first 5 minutes had a very Steep Hill not seen, not known and I just simply could not make it. I stopped but the bike reared its head and threw me backwards, landing with the bike on top of me on my knee and my wrist. Not a pretty sight.

Did that stop me? I was shaken. Yes, I was in pain. Yes, I was bruised, more my ego than anything, but we kept going.

My husband  did suggest stopping and going home but to me, it was a much awaited opportunity to have a day out and ride on a beautiful day with my husband, not worrying about the hassles of work or  restrictions of time, but one to just to ride, enjoy the scenery, the exercise, the company. So shaking my head and mounting that beast again, I kept riding at my insistence.

Stubborn? Yes, probably, most definitely in fact.

 I have to admit that the pleasant journey took a lot longer than we normally do, as my wrist did actually hurt and at times, it was quite difficult to put pressure on it. Changing gears up and down with my right hand was challenging and I certainly felt the pressure, but I kept going. It was also more problematic than usual because not only my wrist hurting, but my bike chains kept clanking and when changing gears to a higher ratio, i0t would not go. Therefore I was stuck in low gear and could not pedal very fast! You know that scenario or cartoon you see where the character is pedalling on too small a bike and their legs are going round and round and round but not getting very far at all? Well that was me. Pedalling but not getting too far! But determination and stubbornness or whatever you want to call it ,kept me riding, (as it usually does).I was not going to let a simple fall off the bike stop me from enjoying this much awaited day.

After 15 kilometres we decided to call it quits as it was becoming a little too painful for me to continue. Disappointment of course! But Pain versus disappointment -pain was beginning to win. Obviously, a trip to the hospital on our way home was undertaken. Of course contemplation and thoughts were swishing through my head thinking if I had broken my wrist what I was going to do? Not a good situation as I already had a staff member away with a broken foot and one who was on extended leave due to border crossings? I just simply could not envision what I was going to do if my wrist had been broken. Naturally, it was my right wrist and yes, I am righthanded!  However, hopes high head even higher and  into the emergency Department we went at our local hospital.

I have to admit when married to a Doctor, you have to be really sick or in pain to obtain sympathy. However, there is a certain advantage in being married to a Doctor who works at the local hospital. I have to say there are benefits not normally employed, but today was one that I did and, in all honesty, was quite happy to do so. I guess it makes up for all the times that he has been with his concrete mistress and I have been at home waiting.  Because, on entry, most of the seats were taken in the Emergency Department and thoughts of hours of waiting ahead, made me want to ignore the pain and just go home. It was quite gratifying as soon as both the staff administrative and nursing looked up and saw my doctor husband, person with the injury determined (that was me), we were ushered inside almost immediately. X-ray completed, both my doctor husband and the radiographer determined no fracture and a delightful outcome. Just a bad sprain to be reviewed in a week (I wonder who by?) and home we went. A good result.

I absolutely love pushbike riding and have ventured on many a journey with my husband and have had clear plain sailing. But many times, have also fallen off. Memories of my New Zealand trip in 2018 with constant bruising between my legs from bumps and grinds and twice being thrown by that demon bike into fences and concrete paths. Sadly, through my own fault, I have fallen 2 minutes away from my own work grazing my knee just like a child .Of course being much older flesh wounds takes so much longer to heal. I have fallen in very silly places not because I’m doing something stupid but simply because I fall. Today, I put it down to the fact that the bike is so much heavier than Marc’s and it is the weight that drops me onto the ground. Today was no exception as going up the hill, my oomph ran out and I simply could not make it. I put my foot down to balance and the weight of the bike cavorted upwards and backwards throwing me to the ground.

Well that’s my Story anyway.

Yes, It is so frustrating that it is me who falls off.  I have to admit that it does get quite annoying that it is me. My children must at times think I’m too old to ride the bike as they sympathise with my falls. My best friend laughs (in friendship) as well and maybe they all think that perhaps riding doesn’t suit me? But I don’t want to do that. I really love doing this form of exercise for cardio fitness and for pleasure. I thoroughly enjoy the fresh air and everything else that goes with it, but it is upsetting that it is always me!

In all our journeys I am the one who has plummeted to the ground. I am the one who has found that unexpected ditch. I am the one who lands on the gravel.  I am the one who falls off that Hill. Not because I am clumsy or blind but because it just happens. Today, the realisation was when continuing riding with my sore wrist as we approached another hill, I could feel myself a little jumpy and edges of panic saying in my head ‘I don’t want to do this, I am going to fall”. I didn’t and I sailed up and down easily (well with quite a few puffs anyway).

I guess I have to be very careful that my constant falls don’t make me frightened to ride my bike. That would be sad. I have to remember that like the old saying ‘once thrown simply get back up and get back on.” I think that actually applies to horses, but ill make it apply to me!  

I still love riding my bike and will continue to do so, knowing if I fall, well that’s just part of the ride. Not planning to do it at all, but accepting that if it happens, it does. It is as it is! (That has been my catch cry this Covid year) . I will continue to accept whatever happens to me. I mean,  no use complaining , who listens anyway? Who knows maybe it will be my husband’s turn next time?? I can always think positively!

For now, I am home. My right wrist bandaged. My hair washed, my sarong on. Sitting in a lounge chair with my foot up. Once I had my shower, I found a huge Boulder size bruised lump on my right leg too.

Interesting the things you find when you take your clothes off!!  

Until next time!