images (2)And .its a long weekend!

I have three days of not going to work.
I have three days ahead of catching up on things that I needed to do.
I have three days ahead of doing what I wanted to do instead of what others needed me to do! Oh how exciting!
And sleep!

I get to sleep!
I get to sleep in…..and not watch the clock to get up to work.
I am more excited about that than I am about doing what I want to do….

Well I mean, at menopause stage – (I should be past this menopause stage of life), sleeping is simply not an option. Tossing and turning, sheet on, sheet off, watch the clock, not watch the clock, nope watch the clock again, up to the bathroom to alleviate the pressure thinking ‘now I’ll sleep”, , lie down again,  sheet on , sheet off, hot, hot ,hot then coooooold! Trying to snuggle up to my husband who is hanging onto the edge of his side of the bed, away from the heated fiery furnace of a wife, who only wants to be snuggled up and held close when she is freezing… only to turn back into a hot sizzling  kiln…Hmmm .no- a full good night’s sleep.  Sleep is definitely not an option these days.

So yes, I was excited knowing that I could sleep in……and not worry if the hours ticked by! I didn’t have to watch the clock, it could go on its own lonesome journey …I could hold my pillow and cuddle tight!

So, armed with a list of what I wanted to do…a busy weekend ahead…. yes, house jobs completed, linen cupboards sorted, furniture rearranged, travel to family and grandchildren combined with picnic style lunch and much wanted Grammy cuddles all met, and I even got to sort out that office with its books hanging everywhere and gadgets and items, papers cluttering tables, and all those types of things out of place. You know, we all have that room where you place things down thinking, I can just shut the door and one day I will get there and tidy it up…. but just never seems to happen…. well that was what I did this weekend. And now I must say I can actually now see the floor and the table and the wall to floor bookcase is now tidy neat and in order. A great accomplishment I have to admit!

So much time, so much to do, so much achieved.

Then there were the homemade pancakes for breakfast, written assessment tasks completed and submitted, dogs walked, washing caught up, dinner cooked, wine drunk, rain falling gently (YES, ITS gently RAINING!) and the long weekend has been one of constructive associated activities. Above all, enjoying much needed quality time with my husband

And then looms the final evening of the three- day break.
That clock I was definitely not watching the whole weekend now leaps out at me, its green digital numbers whizzing by glaringly, laughing silently at me as I try to cram that last cuddle with my husband as we sit together on the lounge. I can see its green integers flashing furiously as I endeavour to slow the tread of time but knowing I was losing the battle.

Please, please, please ….sloooooow down!
I’m just not ready to go back to work!
But of course, I have to give in
And yes…. ‘tomorrow is only a day away!’
and I guess like many others ready to return tomorrow….
we all ask the same question as we succumb to the clock as the final night of rest before the workload commences…..“Not to be greedy…but can I just have one more day in my long weekend??”

Hmmm no answer!
I wonder why??

PS: Oh and by the way…guess what i did sleep!
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