What would you expect to be doing on a calm, somewhat sunny cold late Sunday afternoon when on a winter vacation? When you can see the flags outside your room flapping rapidly as the wind catches their tails; when you can observe, the sun taking a break slowly from the sky as it graciously retreats with its  warmth, signifying the afternoon is passing by?

Perhaps you would be reading a book, or lazily sharing a glass of wine with friends? Sharing a coffee? Even taking that much needed ‘little’ nap in front of the television? You could be talking to a friend on the phone or writing an email or simply being alone enjoying the warmth of the room you are in and the thoughts in your head? Yes, these are undoubtedly all excellent ideas and probably what the average person would do to enjoy a cold winters weekend afternoon.
Such serenity.
Such calmness,
Such tranquillity.
A beautiful picture

Not me!
What am I doing?

I am sitting on top of a tour boat, wrapped from head to toe in my layers, seated on a deer skin, and enfolded in a red blanket which is trying hard to contour warmth into the crevices of my freezing body, as the cold wind from the sea attempts to turn any centimetre of my hidden heat into icicles! Blustery headwinds are beating my face and gliding further around and down my body into any free air space as I sit atop an icy cold tour boat which navigates its way on the water.
Of course-  where else would I be? I am on a boat tour in the late afternoon as the sun is setting in Stockholm! Sweden!
Yep! I am absolutely, unreservedly, bitterly freezing!
If I was a male, my balls would be well and truly back in Australia by now!

Now Sweden was going to be our halfway point, a chance to recoup for a few days from our travelling with its early morning flights, long drives, busy days, wet, cold, snowy weather explorations, and hours of walking and let our bodies have a chance to relax and diminish any wandering grimes from our bodies.
Marc had chosen a place in Stockholm that was dingy, dark with narrow stairs and small rooms. I had chosen a luxury hotel with wide windows, king size bed, bath and beautiful ensuite complete with linen service.
Ha Ha Guess who won!
Luxury! Oh yes! Bring it on!
The beautiful Hotel Diplomat lay waiting for us with three whole days of indulgence!01c9f28c7a7c58d5dc37f54a3d40b1f8b62901a579

And did I indulge!
Hot soaking baths, lovely suite, full length balcony windows that opened, a huge bed to stretch out on, coffee and tea when you wanted it…. ah divine luxury.
And yes, I will admit unreservedly, I thoroughly enjoyed every luxuriating moment!

Stockholm is a city of islands- actually the website states that “Despite being spread across 14 islands ; ( believe me I met a few of them on that ‘lovely’ boat ride I endured.)   Stockholm’s 57 bridges mean it is well-connected and essentially compact and where modernity meets tranquillity. Welcome to a city where it is easy to breathe – and to feel your pulse.”

People in this city breathe a lot- they sit in cafes and restaurants and talk…..they are extremely sociable. Afternoon tea begins at 3pm and ends at 7pm -‘after work’- and we saw that sign with those particular words and times in many of the cafes we passed by. Obviously, they work til 3 then they socialize.That was what was significant in our walks around the town. The many plates of’ high teas’ covered with cream filled pastries and danishes in numerous cafes and restaurants being served to customers was amazing!

But yes, we also needed to breathe!
Sometimes, I certainly held my breath as each intersection for both cars and people is a gamble! The traffic lights are only suggestive to both pedestrians and cars and crossing the road is just fractionally safer than in New York …. there aren’t any rules!  And if you decide to visit the city as a tourist…be aware, arrive with clean clothes since there is only one laundromat in all central Stockholm that caters for self-service (but that is another story).
But Stockholm is a lovely place to have a stop-over and time to relax!

Of course, we did the usual touring of museums. We visited the Historic Museum, a Medieval one and the Nobel Museum which was the best by far and the most interesting because it was different. By now I have to admit, we are quite ‘museumed out’!  I believe we are now not interested in attending any more museums for the rest of the trip! (And if you ask…no we did not see the Abba museum, although I did have the photograph taken in front of it!)

Nevertheless, the highlight of the city I must admit was the Ghost tour which was held at night. Of course, history was skewed slightly by our guide…but he was so animated that you truly believed every word he said! It was an English tour (probably would have been a little hard to be part of the Swedish one so we chose this instead) and Callum (the guide) bought everything to life as we walked around the old town for two hours on an extremely cold Saturday night. The group following behind him through the lanes and alley ways like lost sheep, hanging onto every word he said as he bought the medieval times of the old town to life! Tales of beheading, limbs being cut off, witches being burnt, soldiers plundering, kings and queens ruling, complete with humorous add-ons …. a definite must do if you ever decide one day to go to Stockholm. Exciting grim ghoulish stories, but I am sure that the children who were with us in the group might have had nightmares that night! I also enjoyed the grugg ( mulled red wine) after the tour to warm us up!

[One sad part to mention at this point, is that the old historic town, the Gamla Stad, has so much graffiti on its walls and that takes something away from the historical ambience of this city. Of all of the cities we have seen in Scandinavia, this would have to be the worst for graffitiing historical areas! So sad!]
Although we still both thoroughly enjoyed the ghost walk!

And of course, we walked daily on our usual ambulatory explorations around the old city and the new areas. I mean…. I am travelling with Marc! (I think I have said that before) … the things I do for ‘love’ …. But I did win with the accommodation. I definitely enjoyed that!

Oh- by the way…. after our boat tour around some of the islands in the freezing winter chill of a lazy Winters Sunday afternoon, I was soooooooooo cold, my toes and fingers had lost all feelings, my face was aching and even my backside was blue! It took me so long to warm up!
One last hot bath here I come!