
Where do I begin?
At our long 26 hours flight and arrival to the city?
At the culture, the history, the weather??
The long queues of waiting??????
How can I describe this amazing city?
I am not sure how to, but let me try!

After an extremely long 26 hours in flight mode (and I thought our trip to Italy last time was long- this was quite many hours further!) we stepped off the plane to be greeted by a beautiful sunny day!
This was London?
Were we in the wrong city?
This was not the London we had expected … We had images in place of cold wet foggy days engulfing us as we explored the city…. but not this. To our immense surprise, we stepped off the plane to a blue sky, bright sun shining vision! And it was even 8 degrees!

So, with the sun in our eyes and on our backs, we travelled onwards to our home for the next seven days!
Captain Bligh’s House ( yes, this was where he lived!) A cute little apartment where we were received quite physically by a hug and a kiss from our hosts ( yes, we were not expecting that either) who promptly showed us their wonderful British hospitality and then left us to our own devices.
Oh, such a cute place!
Everything in this apartment was trademarked with ‘Buckingham Palace” insignia, a huge photo/painting of the thanksgiving service of George 6th at Westminster Abbey, even mirrors in the shape of the head of Queen Elizabeth, the décor so royal, right down to the silver egg cups. Our eyes were entranced with old style chaise lounges, long balcony windows, delicate lighting, complete with royal purple as the décor colour! Even the pillows and ceiling are purple!
But…our home for the next seven days!

Prompted by the bright sunshine we set off to explore the old town of London. The place was now ours to explore!
Buses sped by, black cabs zoomed past…cars….and yes, we walked.
And walked….
And walked … (but in all honesty what else would I expect being married to Marc!)
And then we espied the first major difference to our Australian home!
The sun left the sky and disappeared at 4:30pm. The sunshine vanished and this beautiful vision of gold promptly left. The cold night enfolded us into its arms.
Dark descended.
4:30 pm…!
This aspect of our holiday was definitely going to take some time to get used to this aspect!