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the_sands_of_time_6_by_uktara-d4c7n1zDo you know that it is only ten weeks until Christmas 2015!

I can hear you saying “Where has the time gone???”. And yes I say it with you as well! Where has the time gone? What happened to all those things that I was going to do this year.? What happened to all the dreams of doing so much this year with my time?? The year has just flown and sadly, “Time got away!”

Basically, time definition wise, is a measure in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future. It is fundamentally a measure of periods of events and the intervals between them. Yes, we all measure so much by this concept of the thing we call TIME! It is such a major part of our life. I know I do! It is a concept which really does rule my life!

My months, my weeks my days are all broken up into time measured intervals. I wake up with the alarm…because I set the ‘time’ to do so. I go to work at a certain time because I have to be there at a particular’ time’ to start my day. I work through the day, every working day watching the clock because the appointment schedule for my doctor husband is broken into ‘time’ measured’ time’ slots. I am ascertaining that the times are all going to plan and nothing is running too late!  I finish the day by a certain ‘time’ (generally later than usual) and head home, eating dinner watching the news or a favourite program at a certain ‘time’, heading to bed by a certain ‘time’ so that I get enough ‘time’ to sleep to repeat it all over again the next day.

Yes, we all do that. We all measure so many concepts of our normal routine through this thing called time.

Now come on, be honest, all day, we are glancing frequently at our analogue watch or digital clock and thinking in periods or intervals of time.…How long is this meeting going to go on for?  How much longer is he/she going to talk? How long until I get there? How much longer will this train be? How much longer do I have to wait for our lunch/dinner order to come? How long until I go away on holidays? How long…how long…how long…How long.? Our days, weeks days and yes, our weekends are governed by times – of those selected periods of events and the intervals between them.

But time is not always a bad concept. It can also be a good thing.I have watched my granddaughter grow from a tiny little baby into a little girl. That has been a huge pleasurable aspect of time. I have watched my grandson, my first grandchild, develop into a little man who is ready to step into the world of big school next year. Where did that time go! But seeing the differences because of time between these children first as babies and as toddlers and now my eldest grandson going to Big School. Yes, time has passed by rather quickly…probably too quickly but watching how time has developed these children has been such a wonderful experience. Without time, these growing phases would not have happened. And yes, sadly, on the other end of the spectrum I have watched my parents age…somewhat graceful at times, but at other times, not so gracefully with medical problems and the basic age related concept of time passing.The passage of time reflected on two different ends of the spectrum!!

BUT events in our lives can also be measured in pleasurable concept of time. It is not always negative. For example, instead of waiting for Christmas this year, for our families to be together, my elder brother and family are arriving quite a few weeks early, because that is the time that he can attend. So the intention is a whole family gathering well before the gazetted time of Christmas day. A week after their few short days of time here with me, my father will have his 88th birthday, so this concept of a marked period of time can be celebrated earlier while the family is here. I mean, reality, my father my not even be here for his birthday, or for Christmas, so why not celebrate it earlier in time?? And then we still have Christmas ‘Time” to celebrate!!!

My husband will also be attending an early family gathering with his own mother and sister because he will be in Melbourne at that ‘time’. Instead of waiting for Christmas, again the opportunity was taken to share his families traditional Thanksgiving dinner because it was the right ‘time’ to do this! And then he comes home to share ‘Time” with me! My best friend has been away travelling for a long period of timebut now that time is gone and she is home ready to share some time with me again. So many different concepts of time and definitly this concept of time used in this instant is a gratifying one, and a worthwhile measure of use.

Oh yes, time in all its measures is here to stay! As Dr Suess stated ‘ How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? “ Yet, there is nothing that we can do to change this measuring of our lives in/through time. Time is what we want most, but sometimes what we use the worst and we all know that lost time is never found again. Time is a river of passing events, and strong is its current; no sooner is a thing brought to sight than it is swept by and another takes its place. Time is also where we put things off to ‘get to it later ’ and generally never do. I know with firsthand experience about that one!I am sure you do too!!

But in our busy scheduled planned days bound by the concept of time, if we acknowledge that time has also been given to us to use… and that sometimes, it is quite okay to sit and while away the hours…. to sit in the stillness of time and watch the ocean flow, the river swirl by, to be like a child and view the clouds , lie in the grass and the patterns they make. Walk along the pathway to work or to the shops and view the world in a lesser rushed concept….to enjoy the time we ae using. As John Lennon said Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. To know that there are times that we must be the ones to govern the clock.And yes, easier said than done. We all aim for that!

So, as an another weekend ends and I am watching the clock to prepare for my time consumed week ahead at work….I wish for both you and I a time content week not too rushed, not too slow. Good luck with that one!

Now, let me think, what time do I have to be at work tomorrow?
What time is my first business appointment???
What time on Wednesday am I meeting my colleague?

Oh and when am I going to find the time to do some Christmas Shopping!!!

Until next time we meet !!!Cheers!






