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Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it don’t matter. Satchel Paige

Yes, it is my birthday! Ah yes, thank you for your cyber wishes … No, I do not feel my age, in fact I feel so many years younger … although I have to admit that at times getting out of bed in the morning when you are stiff and sore, or after a push-bike ride and the muscles are tight and tense … or the body really does not want to move – the mind says, “Move … yes, here we go, up, go, put that foot to the floor, rise from that chair” … and the body says, “… nope not today … think I will stay right here …” I guess that is when I feel my age! But apart from that … as a wife, a mother, a worker and a grandmother, most times I do feel quite adequate! No I do not feel old at all!

So – it’s my birthday … double figures for me … (No – I am sorry. I am not telling you how old. You will just have to guess …) but my special day was spent very leisurely! Instead of rushing out to work, as it is Sunday, a sleep in – snuggled up in bed, a cup of coffee bought to my bedside by my husband, the fire stoked up (as yes it is cold here today-) and then when he returned from his in- patients hospital visit, breakfast out on the sun-covered verandah (included I might add of a unfriendly icy wind today), but a breakfast partaken of cake and definitely more coffee. Well after all it is my birthday and I can indulge a little!! Should I add that the cake was a fruit flan … so I can say it was ‘healthy!? This was followed by a game of canasta, a walk out in the sun with my husband and the dog (well, we did have to walk off that cake!) a little bit of house regalia (I mean that still has to happen, birthday or not!!) and then reclining on the lounge as the sun is slowly setting in the cold winter’s sky, writing this blog as my husband starts to prepare a special birthday dinner for the two of us.

My birthday actually started a few days ago when my best friend called in and gave me an early birthday gift of a beautiful scarf, followed by my sister appearing at work an hour before we closed the surgery to whisk me away for a coffee, and presented me with a huge jar of jelly beans for my work desk – (maybe to help me think???) … and a beautiful card was placed on my desk from my staff … wishing me a happy day for today! Adding to all the other pre-emptory birthday wishes before my actual day. This morning I had paramount treasured moments of celebration. First of all with time alone with my husband that was then followed by salutations of birthday felicitations from my children and grandchildren who all skyped and texted me. I so love the, “Happy born day Mum,” from my son – the common phrase used each year from him to me on this day!

Can you think of a better way to start my birthday?

So yes, it is my birthday. Another year over. I have a wonderful husband, I love my family, I have special friends, I love my work. I am very happy. I am highly content. Oh yes I am very happy. I have been given so much in such a short time. But today, on this momentous occasion, being this particular age, I have to reflect on my past.

Do you know that ten years ago on this birthday: I was a new widow of only a four short months? I had lost my husband at a relatively young age. I was then alone. I was then unsure of what life was going to bring me. I had absolutely no idea of what was going to happen. Yes, I still had my two beautiful children, but life had given me that horrible curve ball which I tried so hard to deflect but instead bowled straight at me and hit me hard. On that birthday ten years ago, I reflect I was not even sure I actually wanted to remember my birthday occurrence. But even though I thought I was on my own, I was definitely not left alone! Firstly I remember I was taken out to see a movie in the afternoon with two close girlfriends and then, to my surprise that same night, expecting to partake of a quiet dinner occasion celebrating my birthday with these two friends, to my immense surprise, all of my girlfriends were present! As I walked in, I was surrounded by many, many, many of my girlfriends, not just the two women with me. Placing me at the head of the table in this local Italian restaurant There were women that I worked with, I played with, women who were part of my life. As I felt the tears rush to my eyes as I realised that they were all there, helping me to comprehend on that birthday occasion, I was definitely not alone. Instead, I was surrounded by my friends I loved, by those who cherished me enough to give me this honour! And what an honour! That was a birthday I shall always cherish, I shall always remember. As I write this now, I can still feel the emotion of entering that restaurant door and seeing those smiling faces in front of me.

And time passes on and five years ago, on this day, my birthday was planned by and celebrated with my new husband! A new contract of life not foreseen five years before! This event, five years later my birthday was celebrated unrestrained, surrounded again by many old and new friends in all sorts of costumes, complemented with dancing to a bush band and a roasting/toasting of this particular special age related occasion! Five years ago, life had altered for me and I was definitely not alone then. Instead I was now embracing my new relationship, my new life, complete with past, present and future imaginings all melded happily into one special night!!

Now, present time in 2015, five years later I am content , regaling in the small simple, unpretentious phase of today’s birthday celebration united with my husband, incorporating my two old cats and young dog, but distinguishing I still am not ‘alone’ as I read the multitude of birthday wishes to me on social media. Here I am five years later, a new pathway in life of career, a cherished ‘new’ role now of four years as a grandmother- a beautiful pathway which I fully encircle embrace, and grasp firmly in my hands as I experience the extraordinary moments of my life now with new little ones –from my own ‘little’ ones, sharing these stories with you.

You know, our stories are what make us human, setting us apart from all other species. I believe it is a way to share unique experiences, observations, beliefs and feelings as our efforts and possible nuggets of wisdom are perhaps siphoned to those closest to our hearts and maybe even to strangers who wish to listen. When we reflect upon our past I believe in a small way, we help shape the path for our loved ones or our friends, as they perchance may find meaning or guidance or even inspiration from our own small footprints. Today I look back and reflect that ten years ago, I could not see the future or know what was in store, having lost the love of my life, having lost that defined  path, yet here I am, in love again with a wonderful man, embracing a different path, a whole new world… ( isn’t there a song like that!) . But each year I celebrated the passing of another birthday, of another year. Each year, I learnt from the happenings of my old year. Importantly, each year I walk forward into my new one.

As this particular birthday draws to an end I suggest that hopefully, age brings wisdom and wisdom brings mindfulness. In any case, it’s important for all of us to live mindfully regardless of age!  Remember, none of us know how much time we have left. That is the nature of life. Nothing stays the same, everything changes and time move onward regardless of whether we want it to or not.My resolution is to live fully and aware in each moment with whatever time I have left. We have to make it the life we want for us…what I want for me!!

Now as I have eaten my birthday dinner, drunk my glass of red wine, toasted the day and shared my simple stories with you of time related vents, as my  2015 birthday draws to a close, I will leave this blog with a text I posted about life in 2012- three years ago and I deliberate it is still  relative now!

So cheers….To another year…..Happy Birthday Lyndell!!!!!

Love yourself. Make peace with who you are and where you are at this moment of time.
Listen to your heart. If you cannot hear what it is saying in this noisy world, make time for yourself. Enjoy your own company, let your mind simply wander among the stars.
Try. Take chances, Make mistakes. Life can be messy and confusing at times but it is also full of surprises. The next rock in your life might be a stepping stone
Be happy. When you don’t have what you want, want what you have.Make do: That’s a well-kept secret of contentment,
There are no shortcuts of tomorrow, you have to make your own way To know where you’re going is only part of i-/ You need to know where you have been too, And if you ever get lost, don’t worry the people who love you will find you. Count on it… (and they have!!)
Life isn’t days and years, it’s what you do with your time and with all the goodness and grace that’s inside of you. So make a beautiful life for you … the life that you deserve.

I am!!!