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“In life, seize the precious moments with loved ones at every possible opportunity & cherish the wonderful memories of time spent together.”

Home! The break has ended. We have stepped off the plane, back to our house, the holiday is over!

Already this morning, my husband went to work to the hospital to check on his patients and to see how thing proceeded while he was absent. I cleaned out bags and checked mail, the washing (many loads of it) are on and hung out….the clothes line reflecting where we have been these past 14 days. It is initially such a limbo feeling when you do step off that plane and know that you are home and your holiday, your much needed break away has been and gone….it is over, it is completed for now….and that life, as I said in my previous blog…returns to normal!

The day ofP1110437 travelling home was also my husband’s birthday. Befittingly, as we left out little cabin and headed to Darwin for the flight home, we took the last photograph of the two of us, celebrating his birthday, commemorating in enjoying our time together in the Top End.  You might think ‘not a good way to end a holiday – coming home on your birthday.’ However,  I know that sad as I might be to recognize our time away has finished, I also have to remember that my husband’s birthday was still a special day away, it was still a part of our holiday! Why – many reasons,  we are still together, we still have each other and we are still very much in tune with each other- it was our special time!

Memories are about learning not only to recreate these recollections but to recycle them- to bask in the fun we had, to savour the laughter we shared, not to focus on the frustrations we found but to importantly realise how fortunate we are for having known these memories! Now we have many memories to share (along with the photos) with others. We also have our own memories to keep within us, to value for just ourselves and to smile knowingly to each other when that picture in our mind, slides slowly into place.

As IMG_2299I make my way back to work tomorrow (oh so soon!); to meet and greet my staff, I will answer their inquiries as to where we were, what we did, where we went. I will regale them with tales of funny incidents, of beautiful scenery, of scary happenings. I will simply recreate and retell our memories in order to remember these special moments. And as life continues to return to the busy reality this will increase more my contentment of where I am right now. Why do I say this? Because you have to understand that memories are like a violin; that specific piece of music may stop now, but the strings will last forever …

Well- until our next break away!!!

…….Until my next blog !!!!!