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“Ah…I smell the scent of the succulent Coffee……”


How often have you found yourself thinking or saying the following to your friend:

“I wish I had more time for myself.”, “I’m so busy! “ I don’t have a moment to breathe.” “I need more hours in the day.” “I don’t have time for that.”” I really don’t want to work, I want time for me…”

Yes we have all said that at one time or another…and for a lot of us, we tend to say it often. Quite often!
Yes, I am the first to admit, we do lead crazy, busy lives. I thought that when I changed careers it would be slower, but I truly believe that my life is faster and has more pressure…, more demands and definitely more hours needed- .not that I am complaining as I absolutely adore my job, but I acknowledge, it is a busy time consuming place, and I get tired.

One of life’s greatest challenges is finding enough time in a given week to accomplish all the tasks on our “to do” list! And the one thing we never seem to have time for is ourselves. This problem seems even more pervasive as we work harder to meet the challenges of this new economy, and basically needing money to simply live, pay the rent or mortgage and to survive. But I would also be game to say in the busyness of that economy and mindset- that creating more personal time tops the list of goals many people want to accomplish. We also instinctively know that when it does happen, when we do take time for ourselves to pursue our passions, do the things that we enjoy, relax or even do nothing at all, we end up happier, healthier and feeling better. It is common knowledge that taking time for yourself allows you to renew, heal, and create reserves of energy and peace. Yes, “Me” time allows us to de-stress, unwind and rejuvenate.

But- and a huge BUT, between work time, partner or family time and social time all demanding our attention, we are constantly juggling our day-to-day responsibilities and no it does not happen.

No in the busyness of life, it does not really transpire that often, and when it sporadically occurs, it varies in length and time between! As a student, or worker, business owner or manager, a member of a team, a family person, a parent – all these pressures demand necessary attention and time. Then at the end of the day and the tasks set are completed, all you really want to do is look lovingly at that sofa, that bed- to sit, slump, sleep, to watch television, to read a book you want to finish, to potter in the shed or do something mind-numbing that does not need too much or any brain power. Of course being a parent in whatever form or age, you cannot do that as there are also the demands of the constant busyness at home…of children, preparation, organisation -ready for the next day to begin…and so on and so on….and …so on.. Oh yes, finding as little as 15-30 minutes a day of uninterrupted, relaxing “me” time is challenging at best!

Although it has been the Christmas – New Year’s week where we are supposed to be resting, refreshing, recuperating time with family and others, going camping, swimming or holidaying in our summer heat; for me, for us, these past two weeks, have probably been two of the busiest weeks in the New Year!

Where we live and work is a small seaside place – yes open to visitors and holiday makers and we enjoy seeing and meeting new people. But this past week the workplace was quite ridiculous and demanded a magnitude of time and energy, both from people we knew and from strangers- many strangers who required our services and needed it right then and there. New Year’s Eve was distinct as well, as my husband had to work. Feeling tired, however, I was brave enough to stay up and watch on the television in my lonely lounge room, the bright impersonal fireworks from my capital city. Oh that was so exciting!! But then, spent a few hours tossing and turning in this current nonstop heat, waiting for the new day, the first ‘official’ day of the New Year to dawn .(Once home, New Year’s Day itself was taken up with my husband sleeping until late New Year’s Day due to exhaustion.)

Now- remember when I wrote about I was awaiting the challenges…???

But today I met with a friend for coffee. I decided that I did not want to go into the office early this morning and so took this time out to meet with my friend. We did not consume a lot of time but it was a period spent together to regroup. And as I sat down, breathing in those coffee fumes, taking in the aroma and ambience of the ‘busy’ coffee shop, waiting for ours to be served, I watched the world.

Yes it was a hectic environment and in particular for the staff, but sitting there, I watched people meet, greet, wave and smile. I viewed them laughing, discussing, animated faces sharing many different things over that single cup of coffee. I observed them impart emotions through the simple pat of the hand, the wipe of a tear, the smile, the roar of laughter, the bawdy stories, the private joke, but in time shared together- be it long or short. But it was Time. What a lovely sight to perceive!

And as I sat there and also shared with my friend, holding my own cup of coffee,  I drank in the reflection of how wonderful to know that in the busyness of life, we can still meet in a public place, in an impersonal coffee shop but still be personal. We can take the time in the here and now!  Not shelve it for “later”.

I’m so busy! I don’t have a moment to breathe.” “I need more hours in the day.” “I don’t have time for that.”” I really don’t want to work, I want time for me…” Yes I too make those statements every day! But I have to remember as I once read… “..I will never get it all done- there is always more to do”. We have to remember that we will never be in a place where all of the things we are wanting will be satisfied right now and basically we can never can be. This incomplete, unfinished place that we stand in, is the best place that we can be. We have to take time to share that coffee, to smell the coffee beans and enjoy that short time out that we have. We simply have to make and take the time for what is precious.  And then we will  have that priceless moment for ‘us’.

So my first ‘challenge’ for this new year of 2015, like the coffee beans and milk which need to brew in that blended cup, i need to try to breathe in that warm cup’s aroma of what ‘me’ moments I brew,what I create with my family, with my friends- to make time, to take time and to treasure time.

And next time, when you wander into a coffee shop , as you sit there holding your own coffee cup , take a little bit of time to look at the people around you. See what they are doing,  sit and watch them. Observe them with that scintillating scent of succulent coffee in their hands-  creating and taking irreplaceable time.
