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The sun shines brightly gradually creeping higher as its rays warm the earth – soaking  up the last of the early morning  storm that had cascaded around us. The birds are singing, greeting their partners with warbles of wisdom from their own small realm. Waves of the ocean crash onto the golden sand, wafting around my feet as I sink slowly into the cool sand. The spoken wishes of Happy New Year are articulated around me, waves from friends, strangers, from people meeting and greeting as the delicate significant aroma of coffee greets the walkers as they saunter slowly and leisurely to  local cafes to welcome with others, on this, the first morning of the new year. It is the beginning. It is another new start, another new year’s resolution, yes- it is another year begun.  And yes, “We’ve only just begun”, (where is my best friend to hit me for doing my usual thing with song lyrics!!).

2014 was a different year with its own challenges and hassles, with its joys and accomplishments, with its new beginnings and endings….many things happened. 2014 was definitely a stimulating year! But 2014 was also a year of new beginnings!

Our new year began in 2014 in Vienna, soaking up the cooler climate , wrapped in scarves and jackets, welcoming this year in through music and fireworks -another year. It was huge, it was big, and it was wonderful. We shared the joy just the two of us, reveling in the greetings from many strangers on the other side of the world so far away from our own small hometown in our own continent. What an exciting start! But Life returned to reality as we hit the ground running, on our return 19 days later to find that my husbands practice manager had left earlier than suggested and that although the business was running smoothly, the unanticipated early departure of the existing manager was felt. Reality, it was a ‘bit of a shock’. Nor was it  a great way to start the year or the way to abruptly end our much needed time out together. Much discussion was had, numerous debates, conversations, expectations, deliberations, considerations and plenty of thoughts were stated! And no- not all conversations were pretty. And no- I cannot place into words some of what I felt at the time!

Eventually, the new practice manager tentatively stepped into her role, knowing the impact of the past on the present, knowing that this role was different in both position and placement, realising that there was so much to learn alongside questions of could it really be done. Discerning it was a changed role in many aspects and conscious that acceptance is equally sometimes hard and tremulous on both sides of management.

2014 provided me with a permanent change in career.

As I stepped with some trepidation into this unplanned arrangement, new understandings have been gained of how to deal with various behaviours, especially those who are not well. It was a continuation in many aspects of my previous role for 32 years but I gained new empathies of acquiring  skills based knowledge, of different management strategies, of different team building and leading, of a change in communication on many levels, of effects of the combination of work and marriage, of dealing with the boss and maintaining a professional environment within a personal relationship…..(hmmm that has had many laughs from time to times!! ) And yes, it has been a wonderful environment as stated by staff members of a ‘harmonious environment’ and a ‘pleasure to come to work’ .Oh Yes, I hit the ground running. I skidded, I slid, I tumbled, I fell, I picked myself up and simply ran again. At times, I am still running but now preferentially  walking and breathing more slowly, more decisive  and most definitely ABSOLUTELY LOVING what I do. Significantly although I am still ‘teaching’ my staff I am also learning more about others and about myself as I progress through my role. For those who may have thought I would not or i could not succeed..I can say loudly with a huge shout, oh yes I did!

And yes, there was success! It did happen! Knowledge was gained, roles were learnt, and acceptance was definitely given. For me, it was a new start within the same environment but a different responsibility. But most of all it was a huge challenge- an ongoing continuous one…and I SO LOVE challenges.

2014 also bought new life.

Two beautiful babies were born into my family- a boy and a girl, two different families, but only two weeks apart…the second boy to my son, the first girl to my daughter. Yes, new life has bought its own surprises and challenges, its own pain and hurts but above all, so much love felt for three small children from their grandmother. No I do not fit the typical role of a grandmother, I believe I am so much younger than that (except when they visit and the night they have returned home, I crash beside my husband very early into bed!). But I so love being with my grandchildren, to share the delight of a few days together (without parents) with my first grandchild. What a joy that was! To hold two new babies wrapped up so tightly and know they ‘belong’ to me, tied to my blood. I simply cannot express what being a grandmother means. To see my own children relish in their roles as a husband, a wife and now both as parents.To hear the words…”from one ‘mother’/ parent  to another” ……- it fills my heart!

Being the mother of a brand new mother also held its challenges and wrought of concern and worry, of sharing with her, of teaching her, of helping her, of seeing her grow and mature into this role, what a huge learning curve for both her and I!  I have already written a blog about this but the emotional and physical support given in this crucial new beginning of a new life and a new mum was intense. Then having that new mother return to work not wishing to be there, but understanding it had to be done and supporting her through that ! But I would not swap that time or present communication for anything….. Watching my first-born son with his two boys, seeing the resemblances of discipline echoing through the years, watching his first child now so ready to start preschool – and this little one constantly informing anyone who will listen  “I am going to start kindy in this New Year”.  What an exciting time that will be for all! I definitely would not swap any of my time- both through SMS text, skype , phone or in physical presence with my children and their children for anything.

2014  also bought new life as in my book.

Seeing my book published at the end of 2013 but launched in early 2014 –in  hard copy, words on a page (257 pages  actually) , was such a thrill. To share my ‘launch ‘with my closest friends, to hear my brother say after he had read it “ I did not know you went through this”- to shed his tears on my behalf was wonderful.  But mostly to see the words I had written, the emotions felt, the struggles ensued and the significant outcome all now reproduced in black and white for others to share, to gain understandings and to hopefully assist them in their own struggles, was such a wonderful thrilling experience! My first book!

Oh yes, 2014 has bought many trials, many encounters and many tests and so many smiles!

Did 2014 bring any regrets? Not really. Perhaps, because of the challenges handed to me this year, my busyness has prevented me from not spending as much time with my friends. Perhaps I should regroup a little, take some more time for my husband and I, with my friends to keep in contact with others through emails. To resume my writing which I love to do…..and this blog  is definitely off to a good start! New Year resolutions are not always kept- we all know that. But ….we shall see!

So now as we place the past year behind us and step confidently into the New Year, I am just looking forward. Of being with the one I want to be with, of being in a working environment I have happily chosen, of thankfully being whom I am, a wife, a parent, a grandmother, a practice manager.

Now- I can only wonder what challenges 2015 will bring…and all I can say on this first day of January 2015 is  “Bring it on!”