Christmas Day 2013
Day 19 of our journey.

Thoughts from travels so far…..

We have been here two and half weeks and have seen so much. I thought I might stop and think about some of the highlights and interpreting aspects we have discovered in the time spent so far.

Since Italy was our first stop, the take away memories and impressions have included:
Lyndell’s power of prayer when the GPS did not work and we had to gerry-rig a fix for a burnt out fuse; consisting of half a band aid and two staples
Her further use of prayer when Marc was driving on Italian roads (see below) and in the snow;

The sheer depth of history in some of the places making Australia’s brief history seem trivial
Exploring the narrow byways of allied Italian and Austrian towns with histories dating back to medieval times;

The number of Europeans that smoke; and in particular the females!!
How much food they eat and remain so thin

The craziness of Italian drives, willing to drive fast despite dense fog, on narrow roads, pass on blind corners and willingness to ignore road signs including stop lights when the desire strikes them;

The challenge, bordering on low level panic, of needing to communicate with broken Italian and gestures with shop keepers and hotel owners who spoke NO English;
Learning to communicate using lots of gestures and broken Italian ..then Marc lapsing into Italian when he is in a Germanic speaking country….so funny to hear and watch him..when he realises what he has done. He also has found Dutch does not work at all in Austria.
The many hotels we have stayed in, all with different facilities and layouts….having to sleep in twin beds one night,,,shock horror.

Enjoying the thrill of ski-ing in Bormio on very long runs (on Australian standards) including the adrenaline surge of breaking a trail pole at high speed and sliding out of control down a steep slope;
Just the overall visual impact of the Swiss and Austrian Alps rising sharply up from the narrow valleys, snow on the tops and the northern facing slopes and still green on the southern facing slopes;
Snow falling in Bormio,,,.not when Marc was skiing but a light gentle snow in the night in our faces and then waking up to a white winter wonderland. Opening the window to thus fairytale world of white.
Snow on the mountains as we drive,,,on the fields…on the Austrian alps surrounding us in their beauty and blanket of white….an amazing sight to see and feel emotionally

Driving through ice on the roads..up the Fosagno pass to into Austria ..holding on tight to the seat as I watched the guardrail next to me slide closer….not breathing in case Marc thought I was tense..and upset his thought pattern as he drove these narrow snow covered bends
Driving on mountain roads, rising higher with each turn…snow getting thicker, the roads getting narrower, only to be turned back and having to find an alternate route to our destination . ..not sure whether we were going to get out of the pass.

Dogs allowed in restaurants, dogs in cafés, dogs in hotel rooms, dogs in shops!!!!! Not only accepted but often given a bowl of water by the proprietors!!
The various amenities used…including the torture toilet terror chamber I experienced !!!
Interpreting toilets ..words on amenities in a different language which does not tell you which one to use….and going into the wrong ones a number of times,,being pleasantly surprised when greeted by a male urinating…oops wrong one!!! Scuzi.

The way that we pay the bills at trattorias and restaurants, some normally at the till, while others have waitresses.waiters with a money wallet of their own….we order and pay them personally at the table we are seated.

Staying in a castle for an early wedding anniversary present.
Begun surprised by this beautiful wedding anniversary present…..and viewing and luxuriating in the beautiful room of this castle. Feeling like the lady of the castle in these surroundings.
Our photographs taken of this sight…with the sunset and castle all rolled into one spectacular memorable setting.
The beautiful dinner we shared as part of our anniversary at an Austrian only speaking restaurant….beautifully presented, beautifully cooked….trying different dishes of meat !!
Realising that five years of marriage had passed and we were still just as happy and in love with each other as we were when first met!

Walking !! Including the odd hill or endless set of steps or two or three or more…..
The many twists and turns and steep staircases we have climbed in our travels…burning off energy plus as I breathe heavy and look below me at the sights. Feeling he has done it to me again as I gasp for air…but enjoying generally every minute of the challenge.

Exploring new worlds
Walking and exploring- being led by Marc into the unknown ….”do you know where we are?”..”no, but we will get there” discussion.

Christmas Eve and talking to my family live from the other side of the world!!!
Christmas Eve and the music of the huge cathedral bells pealing in Salzburg
Christmas Eve and the music and reverence of Silent Night in German.
Christmas Day and sharing in the Australian made iced Christmas cake Marc was given by Margaret to carry with us until this day to eat. Such a special surprise from my best friend.

Memories imprinted …so many more to come.