It is Thursday night , I have finished at the surgery and completed tasks at home…now sitting down enjoying some time out. It is almost the end of September 2013 and I was thinking tonight that the time frame of this year has just flown. So much has happened in a short time…..and yes Christmas will be here soon.
Yesterday I was convening with the practice manger dates for the surgery staff Christmas party….how is that!!! Almost the end of the year.

Since August I have been in and out of hospital , and the use of painkillers and taking time for recovery….I am so glad to see the back of my ailments and surgery gone. The unexpected gall bladder emergency surgery followed by 4 weeks later with knee surgery did not encompass a pleasant few months for me .
I am a person who does not take pain killers and so having to consume copious amounts of these drugs to allow myself to sleep and recover was a hassle….I know why I do not normally take painkillers because they really so your head in.
But it is now almost a thing of the past…apart from still working my knee and that will take time. The specialist informed me yesterday that it will be at lest 12 months before it is all “normal” again…whatever normal may be. I have a built in doctor who hassles me with exercise……mmmm, sometimes good, sometimes not so good!!!
I also have to watch how much fat content I consume. If I eat too much or the wrong type of foods I get very nauseous and queenly. Good in a way but restricts a lot of things as well. I ha snow discovered I cannot eat cheese….feta yes, but not yellow cheese…e is another thing I get sick with,,,,,I guess I am learning what I can and what I cannot eat, ah- but chocolate is still ok.!!!!!!

BUT The most exciting news for me is that my book is now at the publishers, contract and and detail sheets all signed, account with amazon for the e-book created cover ideas and suggested photographs….and the best thing according to Marc is that I cannot edit at all..” Just this one last time”. Yes I kept revisiting it..and making small changes , fixing up some grammar….but yes it is now officially gone…to be printed..and I cannot change anything now.
The nest step of the book is to assess their typesetting and spacing and font….they will send me my first chapter in this format …and then if it is all ok- it goes from there. It is really exciting. We are hoping by Christmas, but more than likely early next year. I will be having a get together to celebrate the ‘ launch’ of the book when I receive it. I am really excited. It will not be everyone’s type of book, but I hope that at lest one chapter of the twenty chapters written will help someone to understand my journe. It will be about 420 pages long…a mammoth task.
2013 will be the year I will remember for this aspect alone.
Marc has asked me what will be the next book / writing….and I already have some ideas in mind. Time will tell.

Marc has also been busy right now he is still over at Lismore base hospital where each two weeks he performs caesarian sections. He is upskilling, and between now and 7th December, majority of the Saturdays and Thursdays will be at this venue. Come on holidays!!!

My big brother turned 60 last weekend and I cannot believe how literally time marches on… brother is that old!!! Tee hee.
We had a lovely visit from my two cousins Narelle and Glenda. We are extremely close and it was wonderful to see them again. They stayed Wednesday and Thursday night…we went out for dinner Wednesday night and they had diner cooked for us Thursday night,,,that was special!!!! We have one of those relationships where you simply pick up where you left off….it has been the same all these years.

Just a small blog tonight and trivial as I am sitting here just vegging out after my big day.

Talk soon