Before I launch into the stories of today I must recap on our busy few weeks. Apart from normal surgery work, this week was a busy one as Marc was called out three nights in a row….delivering babies, repair work, and the normal accident and emergency…so Wednesday Thursday and Friday nights were all disturbed. Of course i do not sleep well when he was not here…but added to it last night with my own critical time of not sleeping….Oh it is so good to be ‘going through this stage of my life!’

The practice had accreditation and it was highly  successful and Marc now has three more years til the next one. His practice manager did an excellent job in  coordinating the whole regime and everyone worked well as a team. They were extremely thorough which they have to be….but we passed with flying colours! Of course in the process on the home front a few of our white goods broke and had to be replaced….the washing machine( I have had for 15 years) , the vacuum cleaner, the office small television and then the coffee pod machine. Three out of four we replaced- the coffee pod machine is under warranty and so it is returned to be repaired or replaced. I was amazed at how everything went at once. We did not need to replace them all, only the washing machine and vacuum cleaner- but the local stores had things on special and so after some bartering (which Marc is excellent at)- we received huge discount prices for the above!

Funny enough I so enjoyed washing and vacuuming again!!!

But Today was Father’s Day .
A special day for those dads to share with family in person or by phone. A day where we also remember those who are not here with us!! Sadly my family is one of those as we remember Mark may late husband ,  who was a great dad to our children. I think back to that very first Father’s Day without him , remembering our tears where we raised our glasses to him in commemoration…..and how proud I was of my children that day. I can still hear my son as he spoke to me to ‘stop crying as dad would not want that.’…and he was right, he wanted us all to move on in our lives and we all did in our way and our own time. Amazing, I cannot believe that it is eight and half years ago!!! And  eight and half years later , never ever forgetting what we had , we have all moved as a family unit into different directions, different people in our lives and different perspectives of viewing life. But Truth be known…even though there are new factors..part of me still does not like Fathers day and the remembrance of what and who we lost.

However, today Marc and i shared Fathers day in our own way. The morning commenced with an early rise to watch the sun come up over the ocean. We also wished to take photos for the cover of my book, but the opportunity to watch this glorious morning rise , on the 1st day of Spring, on Fathers day was too good an opportunity to decline. I must admit that I hesitated as Marc was sleeping so soundly and I did not feel inclined to wake him, but we had made the agreement to do this and so we did. Mind you- I had been awake since 2.45am…so i was actually waiting for him to wake. Why was I awake…ah that time of life!!

IMG_0392It was however a spectacular morning and it reminded me of the power of nature and God’s beauty  as we watched the sun appear as a tiny round object to illuminate the water and the sand in all its glory! The small round sun enlarged proportionally in its red and orange hue  then  grew to an enormous sight, now reflected as a whole orange circle in the water below…..Yes- I so  love the ocean and the sunrise! We stayed and watched this spectacular   sight until morning human sounds broke into these tranquil thoughts of day.

From there we shared coffee where Marc was greeted with two sms texts from my children to their step papa (as Tanya calls him) wishing him a happy day. From there to early church where I stepped in to play the organ as the organist was away- (nothing like sight reading music – particularly some songs you do not know..) .and then headed to breakfast at the local cafe. Such a lovely way to start Fathers Days 2013.IMG_0397a

Returning home we proceeded into some Italian, where I got frustrated and annoyed for not remembering aspects already learnt- Marc has such a great memory for these..I am still having problems remembering verbs (ricordare i verbi) and so i had to stop, take a deep breath and start again. We are now doing this on our own as the formal classes have stopped but we are continuing ourselves by making sure we are completing revision and new material each week! I do enjoy writing and reading it…and can do it quite well- it is the speaking that get me! I am also blessed with my mother in law ( Nana Bussa) writing to me in Italian and now correcting my letters i send her. Marc sent some material last week as well. This is a great way to keep learning and reviewing out Italian! The difference is we now have a 90 year old authentic italian teacher!

Marc received a call from his youngest son as well which was great!

The afternoon was shared together with some healthy exercise and walking and swimming  the dog, showers , a nanny nap much needed after out early start a visit from my parents, a Skype chat with my son and grandson who wanted to speak to ‘Papa’…  and then a lovely early dinner cooked by Marc! Ah I can hear you say- ‘cooked by Marc on Fathers Day’??- yes he loves to cook and yes he cooks the meals every weekend. It relaxes him and hey- all i can say is who am I to argue with this!!!

We are both resting now on the couch after a lovely day watching some trivia on television ready to face the new week of medical conversing! A lovely Fathers day!

This next week is going to be busy again and then the following Monday I re enter hospital for an overnight stay for some more surgery…ah but another story for another BLOG day!!!

Felice padri giorno per i papà e per tutti i loro familes.