

Okay- here goes- my first blog to experiment with words., so bear with me….

It is the 1st week of the school holidays and I have had a reprieve from teaching at  preschool, however my medical job of three days now keeps me going!  DidI tell you that I am now working three days….and still enjoying it. In a way it allows me time with my husband, not that i am with him, but ‘with ‘ him. Sometimes I struggle with his  medical commitments and at times a personal reintroduction is needed! so having a another day in the same environment dealing with different aspects of the surgery is wonderful and I am thoroughly enjoying.

However, between the work this week,these past few days of this week I have had the greatest pleasure of having my best friend Steve stay with me. He has been in my life for such a long, long time and we have been through so many things together.

He has had a lot of ‘downers’ these past few years and this week it was so so nice to see him with his new special friend! He drove all this way to introduce her to me! Such a lovely lady! Of course she must have wondered about our friendship…but I gave her the whole chapter of Steve and that assisted in understanding where we have come from, where we have been and where we are going. She actually shed a few tears at my writing. I am assuming that it was what i wrote and not my style of writing!

Again we chatted about work, about love and loss and about life. A short few days together but so much said! It was also hard because I also had to go off to work and not enjoy the whole time together but alas that is what life is about! Dinners together were most enjoyable, not to mention the few if not many red wines shared!

However, the short time that we did share just cemented our friendship even further. It is really hard to explain how he fits into my life, but he fits very well…a transition from the old life into the new life…but still two same people. What is special is that our friendship has not changed over the 33 years we have known each other.

So I thought I would share something from my book that is almost there  to be published. The following is from my chapter about friendships…it is only the philosophical bits pieced together and  you will have to wait to actually hear the stories of real people and their connection to/with me!

So- I hope you enjoy my little musing…more really to experiment with the first post, but instead of trivia, thought that I would write something fruitful!

So Here goes…The world of words are from Chapter 14 and Chapter 17 –from my manuscript… “The End is Just the Beginning: A Widows Journey”


We have all kinds of friends in our lives. Many people, not all, go through different friends through their lives. However, usually a person only has one, maybe two real best friends in all that time.

We have friends who stay with us for many years just lurking in the shadows and jumping out when they feel they are needed. We have those that we meet at work. We have those friends that we communicate with while we are only at work and then do not talk with again. Sadly, there are those who are there because ‘you are good for them’, or ‘you can do something for them’ and they are friends for convenience sake just for the short time you are needed in their lives, then they simply pass on.

Then ,there are the social friends whom you meet up again at communal functions and then do not see again until the next gathering but who always present a smile and say ‘we must catch up’ … and never do! If you were lonely and waiting for that phone call, that would be a reminder they are not the friends you really need. But there are also the genuine social friends who do see you at a function and really do mean to get together but time and busyness of life catches up and they flit off to their lives faster than they got there in the first place.

However, good friends, really good friends are very special people. They bring out both the best and the worst in you. Ultimately they accept you for who you are. Best Friends are very special people in your life.

‘Best Friends’.

But how do I describe this expression?

A friend gives you a shoulder to lean on when you cry but a best friend has a shovel ready to hit the person over the head that had made you cry. In most cases it has been said they would take a bullet for you, because it would be far too painful for them to watch you get hurt. A best friend is not only someone you have a good time with; it is also someone you believe you can trust your life with. They are the first people you think about when you make plans, the first people you go to when you need someone to talk to. You will phone them up at any time of day or night just to talk about nothing, or to talk about the most important things in your life.

That is the kind of friendship I have with Steve… Ah But you will have to read my  book to find out more!


Oh by the way, my 2nd week of holidays will involve a few days at a very cold place….and it is with my husband so..watch out for installment 2…and 3….??